International Covid Truth Hubs

……for Doctors, Scientists, Researchers, Journalists

The Great Barrington Declaration

As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.

International group of doctors and scientists speaking out against the official Covid narrative – Yes, there really are a HUGE number of professionals who strongly disagree with the official narrative – Find out why!

WDA link list of News, Opinion, Events, Interviews —- WDA Video ChannelWorld Doctor’s Alliance Summit – 10-31-20

CoviLeaks — An international hub for Covid-19 truthers — Science, Policy, Opinion, Participation

CoviLeaks was born in response to mainstream media propaganda and government misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’.  We believe that the lockdown has had catastrophic consequences leading to excess deaths, poverty and severe economic damage.

We believe the lockdown and Coronavirus Legislation is wholly disproportionate and an offence on our human rights and civil liberties. We have simple aims: To fight for our freedoms, to seek the truth, provide the truth and give a confidential platform to those who want to speak the truth.”

Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee –

America’s Frontline Doctors

U.K. – PCR Claims – Government Negligence Has Destroyed Lives — (In the U.K.) “You may be eligible for compensation from our government due to covid restrictions” — The Evidence & Issues (must read!)

Also see the Technical page for some more technical articles and studies for professionals

Legal disclaimer: The information and links on this site, as well as the site owner’s opinions, are not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Always seek the advice of a licensed medical professional for your health care, including concerns with Covid-19.